What is Alpha?
The Alpha course is a 15-session practical introduction to the
Christian faith. It is designed primarily for non-churchgoers and new
Christians. It was established at Holy Trinity Brompton in London
twenty years ago and there are now more than one thousand churches
involved in running Alpha courses all over New Zealand.
The syllabus for the course is contained in the book 'Questions of
Life'. Some courses are held during the day, however most are evening
courses. At the evening events, there is a light meal followed by a
talk on a subject central to the Christian faith. Then participants
break into groups of around 10-12 people to discuss the talk in an
environment where each person should feel free to ask or express
whatever they wish. A team of around three or four "leaders" or
"helpers" from the host church are attached to each group. There is
also a weekend away during which the subject of the Holy Spirit is
Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for everyone. It particularly caters for:
- People inquiring about spiritual meaning
- People seeking a faith with meaning for the new tomorrow
- Those wanting to investigate Christianity
- New Christians
- Those who feel that they have never really got going as a Christian
- Newcomers to the church
- Those who want to brush up on the basics
Alpha runs in every type of church, including Anglican, Apostolic,
Assembly of God, Baptist, Brethren, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, New
Life, Presbyterian, Salvation Army, Pentecostal and Independent
Churches. All the churches provide the same material, making
alterations only to suit local culture.
How much does it cost to attend Alpha?
There is no charge for the Alpha course, although you may be asked to
make a donation towards food and the cost of the weekend away.
For more info or to registar email [email protected]