We invite you and your family to come and join us for one of our church services. We believe that you find them welcoming and relevant to your life, and that you'll come back week after week and feel at home among us.
Auckland City Church Auckland City Church Auckland City Church
We are made up of lots of different types of people from a diversity of cultures and backgrounds including a wide mix of ages. We are a thriving family based congregation from central Auckland and its surrounds.
Auckland City Church Auckland City Church Auckland City Church
Plan to join us this weekend. You will enjoy a great experience, with powerful praise and worship, music, practical Bible-based teaching that is relevant to everyday life and quality kid's and youth programs. You will discover a place where we believe you can find the life you've always wanted. Click here to find us. Auckland City Church Auckland City Church
9am & 11am - identical services with children & youth programmes.
Auckland City Church
7pm - casual relevant night service Auckland City Church