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  • Our Partners in Ministry: Pastor Ken and Dorothy Bassett
  • Our Mission: The encouraging and mentoring of Pastors and leaders from all denominations throughout the Northland Region.
  • Our Impact: 25 years of continuous Ministry to outlying Churches throughout Northland.
  • Pray For: Ken and Dorothy’s health.
  • Our 2009 Vision: To support young and struggling Pastors. Churches strengthened and encouraged.

Pastor Ken and Dorothy Bassett work in the Northland region, encouraging and mentoring Pastors and leaders from all denominations. In general, the trend is of steady increase in the churches and their impact on their communities. The churches are making every eff ort to get out into their towns and become involved with the needs of people, to help where possible and share the Gospel. The results of this are exciting:
  • In one town, the infl uence has been so signifi cant that the Prime Minister, Deputy PM and the Minister of Maori Aff airs have been to check it out.
  • Many of the churches visit Ngawha Prison and report a good response.
  • The Holy Spirit is accelerating the speed and extent of outreach to youth. In one town, the impact on the community has been so signifi cant that the youth leader has been given a full-time salary by the ASB Trust to keep going.
  • In Kaikohe, one pastor has organised Christmas in the Park for the last two years and more than 2000 have attended each time. Most of the churches combine to present the message of Christmas and the Gospel, followed with Church in the Park. This year the interest seems to be even greater as they prepare.
  • The small Northland churches have a team working in the Prisons of Johannesburg, South Africa.

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