- Our Partners in Ministry: Pastor Raj and Merlyn Patta
- Our Mission: Growing a significant Church of 10,000+ people in Hyderabad and to establish satellite Churches in surrounding communities.
- Our Impact: King’s Temple Church established to 2000
members and 150 satellite village Churches established. Bible training
college established.
- Pray For: The King’s Temple, Pastor Raj and Merlyn Patta, more leaders to be raised up.
- Our 2009 Vision: 80 new students in Bible College, 10 new Churches planted.
GCC works in partnership with Pastor Raj and the King’s Temple Church
in Hyderabad. For the last two years we have sent over teams to work
alongside the Christians in reaching out. The Church is really stepping
up in India and the Christians are so hungry and passionate about the
great commission and sharing Christ’s love with all.