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Worship Leaders

To lead people into the presence of God in worship is a wonderful ministry and a major responsibility.


If you have experience in this ministry and/or a real desire to be used in this way please come and talk to us.



There is a wide range of instruments played at Greenlane. Currently musicians play the Piano, Keyboard, Bass, Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Sax and Violin.

We are always on the lookout for new musicians to come and take part in our teams.

So if you are interested email Sara-Jane [email protected]


Recently begun with the vision to have a GCC dance troupe and regular classes for beginners.

We have various dance teams that provide items on Sunday nights. Special events have included our Easter Production 'Come Alive' and Christmas Presentations.

The dance troupe works alongside Blueprint to encourage and develop the youth team.


The Drama Team consists of 6-10 people who regularly perform skits and monologues at Sunday night services. For our Easter Presentation this year, members from the congregation took part in 'Come Alive' a musical and drama presentation. They were also involved in our annual Christmas Drive Thru.

Technical Production

The technical side of the creative ministries is very important to the overall presentation of creative events.

If you love the creative arts and would like to be active behind the scenes, any of the following roles could be of interest. We welcome new people to be involved in these areas.

Sound Desk Mixing

If you have ability with technical equipment and/or a good musical ear then this area of ministry could well be for you. It involves mixing the onstage sound in a way that projects the best possible sound to the congregation. You will learn how to set up and use the sound desk equipment and will work in conjunction with the lighting guys for productions.

Data Projection

This area involves the use of Powerpoint presentations and requires the ability to use this programme or an eagerness to learn. Working closely with the Sunday morning worship leaders and being the backbone for ministry sermons are key responsibilities. When productions are run there are also opportunities to be involved in this area.


The lighting team plays a part in both the Sunday services and productions. This involves learning to how to set up and use the equipment and working closely with the sound team.

Set Up

Attached is the stage layout plan here at Greenlane.

Stage layout

Music & Technical
Resources and Rosters
Cafe Nights! & Upcoming Events

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