Keyboard WorkshopSeptember 20 2008
New skills for our keys players taken by our talented Maybelle.
Guitar WorkshopAugust 30 2008
A fantastic time of learning with Campbell Cramer Roberts.
Tauranga OutreachAugust 1-3 2008
To see a team of musicians and worship leaders from
Greenlane go out and bless local small churches around New Zealand.
Our team visited LifeZone church in Tauranga and was billeted by the creative arts team lead by fellow musician Shayne Verissimo.
Heritage and Paul Colman
14 & 15 June 2008
arranged hymns in contemporary music styles. Featuring Pa Mwamba Singers with
live accompaniment.
Directed by Matthew Raymond with contributions from Greenlane Christian Centre musicians.
Northern Minsitry Outreach
30 May-2 June 2008
A team of 27 people took
part in the outreach over the long weekend. We had a 4 band line-up, a
Saturday night concert, with workshops during the day on Sunday. It was
a great time of fellowship and blessing the local church up in
Doubtless Bay, Coopers Beach.
Combined Worship night
29 May 2008
Over 500 people attended the Thursday night
worship evening led by Pastor Trevor, Sara Jane and David Lyle Morris.
It was a great time of refreshing in God's presence.
More photos- see photos page
Creative Arts Retreat
2-4 May 2008
Our retreat was a fantastic weekend which renewed our creative gifts,
encouraged our Christian walk and inspired us to share our gifts with others. This year our guest speaker was David Lyle Morris.
'Come Alive' Easter Production
21-23 March
Our Easter production this year was 'Come Alive'. The Traditional Easter Story
with contemporary music. This year we had a cast and crew of 60 people.