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Sunday Night Music @ Cafe Ziglag

Sunday Cafe Music Nights are an opportunity to showcase the music talents of local artists. These special nights are once a month following the Sunday evening service, and are held in our very own Cafe Ziglag. The evenings provide an opportunity for song writers and musicians from within the GCC community to share their music inspirations with us.

Just this year we have had Barrie Herrold, Jane Burt, Holly Cramer-Roberts, and Gramophone, celebrating their talents over a range of styles from original songs on the acoustic guitar to urban contemporary gospel music.

We have an awesome line-up with more to be confirmed, so watch this space and write these dates in your diary to keep free in advance! Please do get in touch with us if you are someone who would like to be involved in this awesome ministry in reaching out to other keen musicians.

2008 Dates:

November 9 Lighter Shade of Blues “Singer songwriter”





Combined Worship night

Thursday November 13.

More information to come


Nathan King LIVE

 Sunday November 16.


Farmers Christmas Parade

November 30th

The Ember Days

November 30th PM service

Music & Technical
Events so far in 2008
Resources and Rosters
Cafe Nights! & Upcoming Events

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