Badminton Group

Badminton Group plays at Badminton Hall, Gillies Avenue, Epsom every Sunday afternoon 2-4pm. Friendly, Fun, Players of all levels.

Now have the equipment for 2 badminton courts in the Zone.

  • Help – facilitator and coaches, 2 good quality Table Tennis tables.

Andrew (Andy) Mclean
[email protected]


The goal is to teach how to make good and economic meals. We have several members who have expressed an interest in making this happen.

Evangelism Team

This team is involved in a range of more direct witnessing activities. ie. Meeting people on the street, in parks, Malls, door to door, etc. Hearing exciting results.

Diana Lang
[email protected]

Food Bank / Household Furniture

Food is collected every week to support families that are struggling. With the CAP Money programme now started we are expecting a much greater drain on our food bank.

Joyce Cooper
[email protected]


Book Shop area now a herb garden. Currently constructing a general purpose designed garden at Rex Wood’s home. Goal is to train others to develop their gardens to provide surplus fresh vegetables for the needy.

Sonia Ingles
ph: 529 1532

Kick Addiction Courses

Designed to help people battling with any kind of addiction.

Anne Laidlaw
[email protected]

Mainly Music

Friday morning @ 10:30 Parents and preschoolers attend a music and dance programme followed by refreshments in the Cafe. Over 50 % unchurched attend this programme with numbers rising rapidly.

Kirsty Fleming
[email protected]

Marriage Course

A 7 week course to support marriages in our community. 50% of those participating are unchurched. People see their relational needs before their spiritual needs, so encouraging someone to do this course can be the first step to becoming open to Christianity.

A new electronic marriage questionnaire that provides a very detailed report suitable for any couple, and will enable us to build a mentoring aspect into strengthening marriages.

Russell and Linda Witheford
[email protected]

Pre-Marriage Course

5 week course also has unchurched couples participating.

Currently several host couples are happily running this course in their homes with max of 3 couples at a time, building relationships with them at an exciting time in their lives.

We encourage each couple to do the electronic questionnaire and talk over the results with them.

Mike Porteous
[email protected]

Mums in Touch

These mums pray for the schools that their children attend. They also become aware of community needs that GCC could become linked to in helping. The aim is to have a representative from every school.

Vicky Barrett and Wei Wei Elder have built a very good link with Parnell College and now running programmes for all the mums of International Students. Some of which have started attending our ESOL classes.
[email protected]

New Comers

Programmes to help people new to Auckland be welcomed and connected. A variety of practical activities have been planned for 2010.

Michele Chia
[email protected]

Seeker Groups

A pre Alpha discussion group for all kinds of people groups. Requests to start in 3 Rest Homes as soon as we have leaders, or wherever people gather. Mark & Sarah Tahere United Maori Mission Hostel with their residents have developed their own style seeker group.

The strategy is a 1 night gathering for discussion that sets up a further 3 nights to develop the discussion topics further. Group continuing until open to joining an Alpha Course.

[email protected]

Tramping Groups

Currently we have both Chinese and Life tramping groups. These groups go on a wide range of tramps designed for all levels of fitness abilities. Need to check with the leaders for schedules.

Eric Huang and Felix Wei - 529 9275
[email protected]
Life Group - Mark Hoyle
[email protected]


Soccer training for kids 5-9yrs in the Zone each Wednesday during school term. Very easy way to attract children into the life of the church.

Wynton Rufer and Yuri Muzyka
[email protected]