Badminton Group plays at Badminton Hall, Gillies Avenue, Epsom every Sunday afternoon 2-4pm. Friendly, Fun, Players of all levels.
Now have the equipment for 2 badminton courts in the Zone.
Help – facilitator and coaches, 2 good quality Table Tennis tables.
Help – someone to coordinate the different ideas and facilitate a cooking course.
This team is involved in a range of more direct witnessing activities. ie. Meeting people on the street, in parks, Malls, door to door, etc. Hearing exciting results.
Help – more people that participate will mean more people we will talk with.
Diana Lang
[email protected]
Food is collected every week to support families that are struggling. With the CAP Money programme now started we are expecting a much greater drain on our food bank.
Help – regular food dropped off in basket, furniture email what you have.
Joyce Cooper
[email protected]
Book Shop area now a herb garden. Currently constructing a general purpose designed garden at Rex Wood’s home. Goal is to train others to develop their gardens to provide surplus fresh vegetables for the needy.
Help – more gardens to develop.
Sonia Ingles
ph: 529 1532
Designed to help people battling with any kind of addiction.
Anne Laidlaw
[email protected]
Friday morning @ 10:30 Parents and preschoolers attend a music and dance programme followed by refreshments in the Cafe. Over 50 % unchurched attend this programme with numbers rising rapidly.
Help – additional kitchen staff for setting morning tea.
Kirsty Fleming
[email protected]
A 7 week course to support marriages in our community. 50% of those participating are unchurched. People see their relational needs before their spiritual needs, so encouraging someone to do this course can be the first step to becoming open to Christianity.
A new electronic marriage questionnaire that provides a very detailed report suitable for any couple, and will enable us to build a mentoring aspect into strengthening marriages.
Help – helpers so that we can rotate the course team, who all thoroughly enjoy ministering on this course, but like a term off from time to time.
Marriage counsellors and mentors
Russell and Linda Witheford
[email protected]
5 week course also has unchurched couples participating.
Currently several host couples are happily running this course in their homes with max of 3 couples at a time, building relationships with them at an exciting time in their lives.
We encourage each couple to do the electronic questionnaire and talk over the results with them.
Help - for a couple to assist me and take over the questionnaire counselling.
Mike Porteous
[email protected]
These mums pray for the schools that their children attend. They also become aware of community needs that GCC could become linked to in helping. The aim is to have a representative from every school.
Vicky Barrett and Wei Wei Elder have built a very good link with Parnell College and now running programmes for all the mums of International Students. Some of which have started attending our ESOL classes.
[email protected]
Programmes to help people new to Auckland be welcomed and connected. A variety of practical activities have been planned for 2010.
Michele Chia
[email protected]
A pre Alpha discussion group for all kinds of people groups. Requests to start in 3 Rest Homes as soon as we have leaders, or wherever people gather. Mark & Sarah Tahere United Maori Mission Hostel with their residents have developed their own style seeker group.
The strategy is a 1 night gathering for discussion that sets up a further 3 nights to develop the discussion topics further. Group continuing until open to joining an Alpha Course.
Currently we have both Chinese and Life tramping groups. These groups go on a wide range of tramps designed for all levels of fitness abilities. Need to check with the leaders for schedules.
Eric Huang and Felix Wei - 529 9275
[email protected]
Life Group - Mark Hoyle
[email protected]
Soccer training for kids 5-9yrs in the Zone each Wednesday during school term. Very easy way to attract children into the life of the church.
Wynton Rufer and Yuri Muzyka
[email protected]